Making Time for Yourself

When was the last time that you scheduled yourself “Me Time”? My guess would be that it’s been a while. Think about how often we schedule all of the appointments that we deem “necessary” or “important,” or we may even block off our weekends for parties and obligations that we feel we have to “show up” for. We schedule physical health appointments, dentist appointments, chiropractor appointments, lunch dates, hair cuts, oil changes, grocery runs, graduation parties, weddings, birthday parties, anniversary parties, baby showers, wedding showers, pizza parties, parent teacher conferences, soccer practice, dance recitals, etc….etc….etc. The list can seem endless, and extremely overwhelming.

The truth is that all of these “scheduled” appointments and get-togethers can create great anxiety. It seems like there is never enough time in the day to balance the never-ending to-do list or even think about having time for yourself. Remember how you wanted to catch up on that show you started three months ago (that everyone has already finished), or the book you started at the beginning of the year (which has since been lost somewhere in your house). Not to mention, when was the last time you had a day to pamper yourself or do something that you really looked forward to or enjoyed? Maybe you started a project that is now collecting dust because it got lost in the shuffle of your everyday life.

I’m here to tell you, if you don’t schedule things that you look forward to doing, most likely, they are not going to happen or be achieved. Simply adding something to your schedule (although it may at times feel like you have no space left to add anything), will help you accomplish it much faster. It shows intent and creates priority. If you add something you enjoy into your schedule it is A) a happiness reminder, B) a helpful break from the mundane routine, c) can improve your mental health because it’s something that you enjoy doing.

Back to my original question. When was the last time that you scheduled “me time”? Does it seem silly? Or dare I say “selfish” to schedule time for yourself? I’m here to tell you, it’s important. Take a look at your schedule, wheather it is on your phone, an ap or an old school planner from the store. I bet your month and possibly next two months are already scheduled for you. It makes it feel as though you have a lack of control and your life is already planned for you. What if moving forward you began taking control back?

I’m encouraging you to schedule 1-2 days per month and block them off before committing to something else. Leaving those two days as “Me Day’s” specifically for you. You can do absolutely anything you want on those days. You can stay home. You can go out. You can read, watch a movie, finish a project, start a project, nap, go fishing, go hunting, exercise, color, hang out, go swimming, take a class, get a massage, go shopping, check out a new restaurant, etc. The point is, whatever you choose to do, is completely up to you when that day arrives. It will feel so liberating for you to have time to do something you want to do and it will also give you something to look forward to in your month. Almost like a reward for all the other obligations and things that you didn’t look forward to going to. After all, aren’t you worth it?


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